Prior to this month’s online gathering on Sunday 6th November, we had been given the phrase: “The Lord Almighty is about to speak! Are you paying attention?” We believe this...
Members of the Maranatha Community gathered on-line, using Zoom relayed to YouTube, on Sunday 2nd October. We started our time together online by praying ‘Maranatha, Come Lord Jesus!’, opening our...
Here is our latest newsletter, which outlines the key themes through which the Lord has spoken to us during the year. He is calling us to a fresh, deeper expression...
As a Registered Charity (no 327627) The Maranatha Community Trust produces an Annual Report each year, including acccounts, and this is posted on the website of the Charity Commission. The...
As we enter a New Year, what are we hoping for? Our response gives away our focus. This Maranatha Newsletter includes:WHAT ARE WE PERCEIVING Worldwide move…… If we want to….....
In this series of Maranatha gatherings, we are endeavouring to respond to the Lord’s call to ‘ASCEND’ and ‘ADVANCE’ together as one people. We believe the Lord is calling His...
The Lord has been preparing and positioning His people across the earth for a new season, ripe with new opportunities to increase His Kingdom. This newsletter tells you Maranatha’s response...
Good News! – we are re-opening our Christian Bookshop in Flixton, with our full range of Books, Bibles, Cards, CD’s, and Gifts. 102 Irlam Road, Flixton, Manchester, M41 6JT. Tel:...
Two years after we laid down the life of the Community we believe Our Lord is calling us now to urgently re-gather; to worship Him; to listen to Him; to...
As our nation prepares for another General Election on 12th December, we believe it is essential that Christians throughout the UK unite in praying for God’s will to be done....
The Maranatha Community’s “Taste & See Christian Bookshop” has been given a 2-page spread in “Together” – the Christian Resources trade magazine. You can read the article here.
After 35 years of service, in the spring of 2018, the life of the Maranatha Community was “laid down” in response to the Lord’s prompting. Our members are still in...
This first video is Juan’s message to the community gathered at Quinta, the second is the symbolic laying down of the community done at Quinta, and then a new video...
At our last planned Maranatha Community Annual Gathering, February 2018, we’ll finally place the life of the Maranatha Community, as a single seed, into the ground. Cick to read the...