
Maranatha Pointers – March 2024

Notes from online gathering Sunday 3rd March 2024.

The following notes are a brief summary of the key themes which emerged from our online gathering last Sunday, 3rd March 2024.

God is working His purposes out – according to Rom 8.18-25. We have the gift of Hope, our Hope is Jesus, who is dynamic, not static. 2Cor 1.18-22 – We can proclaim Yes and Amen to the Lordship of Christ in all things. In the midst of all that is happening, this should determine our outlook and perspective. We keep our eyes on Him and are excited! 

We are involved in the ‘unfolding’ of God’s plans – some time was spent listening to the Lord for an interpretation of the image given last month of an opened envelope with a piece of folded paper.

  • ‘Title Deed for the Kingdom of God’ – the content of the letter is already stated. Our part is to step into what is already in place.
  • The Lord has been preparing, re-forming us during this period of waiting for what is ahead. This process has especially involved the giving of a new perspective from the ‘ascended’ place, where we continue to abide in and with Him. Now it is time to ‘advance’.
  • The document contains everything we will ever need, for every circumstance we are in. It will have a unique interpretation and application for each person who opens it. We already have the keys to the Kingdom but the Lord will instruct us in how to use them in a specific way for each situation. Holy Spirit will interpret for us.
  • What is contained in the paper is for future generations. Our part is to respond to the Lord’s instruction, without leaning on our own understanding. Our obedience can change the course of the future.
  • There are 2 scenarios in the Gospels where Jesus gives specific instructions to anonymous disciples: i) “Go to the village…you will find a colt…untie it and bring it here.” (Mk 11.2); ii) “Go into the city…Say to the owner of the house…’Where is my guest room…Make preparations there…” (Mk 14.13-15). There are 2 dimensions to the instructions in the paper: i) how will we bring Jesus into the city? ii) we are invited into a deeper place of intimacy with Jesus. We should be careful to ensure we attend to both instructions.