The following ‘pointers’ are a brief summary of what was shared during our online gathering on Sunday 4th June. We fully understand that not everyone is able to join online so, as these gatherings are integral to the life and growth of the Community at this stage of our journey, we are keen to share with all our members what we believe the Lord is saying to us. You can watch the recording of our gathering here.
We are always happy to receive communication if further clarification on any point is required.
- Our oneness with God means that we are one with His nature. His nature is Love and it is in this Love that we are one with each other. Our union with God, who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit is such that we can know and be at one with His heart and mind. It is from this relationship that we pray in His Name. (Scripture verses from John 15-17 were cited).
- Word given: “Oh, yes, you are one with Me, in Me, one in heart and mind and soul; one in concord with Me and one another. Nothing can separate us, pull us apart. Enjoy being centred on Me, focussed on My goodness to you, My justice and mercy, My compassion for you. All you need is in My being present to you.”
- Question: What if the Lord wants to speak with us about things that are beyond our limited vision or experience? Response: Prayer that the Lord will increase our capacity to perceive what He wants to reveal to us.
- A suggested answer to the above question starts with our need to enter into a deeper level of rest in God. This is described in Ps 131. Jesus exhorted His followers, “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Mt 18.3). Children are innocent (their minds are not cluttered with what they think they know) and open to wonder (they have not developed fixed positions on what they think). Ps 132 describes God as looking for a dwelling place where He can ‘rest’ and this is celebrated in Ps 133 as a place of oneness in God for His people.
Biblically, the understanding of ‘rest’ is not in any way related to inactivity. It is the word used to describe a trusting relationship of righteousness and peace with God. The Biblical word Shalom could also be used to define this place of ‘rest’ – a state of completeness, where nothing is missing or lacking. This is the position from which the Lord wants to reveal more and more to us. The problem is that we are ‘pre-occupied’. Even our prayer can be an obstacle to rest as it can be something we ‘do’.
- Surrender is key to entering into God’s rest. A child is agitated as long as it is focussed on what it wants and can’t have. Ultimately, the place of rest is found in knowing that they are loved, within the embrace of the one who is trusted. SImilarly, many exclude the possibility of rest because of circumstances. God is bigger than our circumstances and can even use them to speak to us. What counts is our heart attitude of belief and trust. Jesus invites us to find rest for our souls in being yoked with Him (Mt 11.28-29). “Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.” (Mt 11.29 The Message).
- Word given: “Ah! Ha! There you have it – resting in Me is so important. Let Me gather you onto my lap, let you be helpless, amounting to nothing, yet meaning everything to Me. This sort of rest is just for itself, it has no purpose beyond itself. Importantly, it is rest in Me, I am the focus for you, so you don’t think about yourself, but only Me.”
- We need to ‘unlearn’ our ways of seeing things, especially in the context of our religious experience and understanding, if we are to explore all that the Lord wants to show us of the heavenly realms. God is waiting for us to be receptive to all He wants to release into the earth. This will happen in the measure that we are in alignment with heaven – God’s will and purposes. Jesus is our focus. Our purity is IN Him.
- As a Community we are committed to listening to God and pursuing His way for us, even though it may not be understood by us or others! We believe the Lord has called us to walk ‘the narrow way within the narrow way’. By this we understand that He has a particular calling for the Maranatha Community as part of the Body of Christ. The Lord is speaking to us about discovering the simplicity of a God who loves His children in the midst of a world of complexity. Our calling at this moment is to pursue rest in God, as innocent, receptive children, who enjoy the wonders of His creation with Him. This appears foolish to the world.
- Jer 33.2-3 and Prov 25.2 both speak of God’s desire to reveal more of Himself and to share the secrets of His heart.The world looks for answers, angels wait for instructions, but we are to seek wisdom. Wisdom is key to discerning the strategy of God and starts with the fear of the Lord.
- Word given: “In a world of uncertainty, I am certain; my plans are certain; my Word is certain.”