

Here is our latest newsletter, which outlines the key themes through which the Lord has spoken to us during the year.  He is calling us to a fresh, deeper expression…

Here is our latest newsletter, which outlines the key themes through which the Lord has spoken to us during the year.  He is calling us to a fresh, deeper expression and outworking of unity, renewal and healing, which we believe will impact the places where we live, work and worship.  Our fellowship with other groups in the Body of Christ helps us to recognise that the quality of unity – we prefer to use the word ‘oneness’ – that we experience within the Maranatha Community is rare; we believe it is a special gift that we carry for the whole Body.  It is, therefore, our responsibility to nurture and share this gift as widely as possible.  We also sense that this oneness is an important factor in the authority God wants us to exercise in prayer as a Community.