Maranatha is a scattered community of Christians from all church traditions in Britain and abroad who come together in worship and are committed to Unity (among Christians), Renewal (of ourselves and our churches, by the power of the Holy Spirit), Healing (of relationships, and in body, mind and spirit) and Prayer. It is not a breakaway movement, but positively encourages its members to be more effective Christians where they worship, live and work.
The Lord has been preparing and positioning His people across the earth for a new season, ripe with new opportunities to increase His Kingdom. He is detaching us from our old and familiar structures and ways; setting aside the old wineskin; readying us to hear His new call; aligning us to be propelled by the wind of His Holy Spirit and sending us where He wills. We have a strong sense of excited anticipation as we expect the Lord to powerfully move in a new way which will produce great fruitfulness throughout the earth.
Maranatha Local Groups throughout the UK organise their own gatherings and there is opportunity for the whole community to gather online on the First Sunday of each month, using Zoom. See the Events Calendar for more details.