

Videos of Maranatha Gatherings and other resources

In addition to these videos our late co-founder, Dennis Wrigley, produced several series of videos where he talked about a variety of subjects. These can be seen on the Dennis Wrigley Ministries YouTube channel.

January 2025: Maranatha online gathering.

December 2024: Maranatha online gathering.

November 2024: Maranatha online gathering.

October 2024: Maranatha online gathering.

September 2024: Maranatha online gathering.

August 2024: Maranatha online gathering.

July 2024: Maranatha online gathering.

June 2024: Maranatha online gathering.

May 2024: Maranatha online gathering.

Prayer is natural. Prayer is relationship. Prayer works. Prayer is for everyone.
Anytime. Anywhere. Discover the power of prayer in this short film.

The beautiful guiding prayer of Maranatha, read by millions worldwide, with artwork by Valerie Sjodin. Download the audio here.

Christian Unity – Manchester House of Prayer in conversation with Linda Stalley.

January 2021: Video from our Community Leaders

February 2018: Following the Maranatha Annual Members Gathering at Quinta, where we laid down the community as God had told us to, the community leaders update us on how they believe God is leading us.

February 2018: The symbolic laying-down of the Maranatha Community following prompting from God to offer it all back to him. After this we are now in a period of prayer and waiting upon God for what the new things is that He will grow from this action. (filmed by one participant with a hand-held camera).

Juan’s message to Maranatha gathered at Quinta Hall given as the community gathered to lay down the life of the community, symbolically planting it like a seed.

January 2018: In preparation for our Annual Members Gathering at Quinta Hall the Maranatha Community leaders update us on where God has led us.

November 2017: The Community Leaders give an update on where we have reached in our journey as a community this year.

July 2017: The Community Leaders give an update on the journey the Community has been on since February.

May 2017: A Message from the Maranatha Community following the Manchester Arena bombing.

We are ONE in Christ – Christians from all over Greater Manchester coming together in unity, gathering for a service in Salford Cathedral (RC) then walking thought Salford to Manchester for open air worship and a service in Manchester Cathedral (C.of E.) – A 35minute summary of the day.

Faith in Politics?  Highlights of the Maranatha Lecture by Bishop Angaelos OBE on the Middle East, Islam, Daesh, the refugee crisis and Christianity as a moral compass for the world.

Highlights of our Quinta gathering 2016 provide a brief glimpse into the immense power and sheer joy of our loving and united community.

Britain and the EU. What’s it really all about? What about God? The Bible? History? Democracy? The Rule of Law? This powerful short film will open your eyes.

Justice, freedom and democracy. Our very foundations. Gifts from God and history. All crumbling.

Watch this. Wake up. Rise up.