Once again we enjoyed a profound time in the Lord’s presence during our online gathering on Sunday 7th July. The key points that emerged, after much silence, are highlighted below.
Once again we enjoyed a profound time in the Lord’s presence during our online gathering on Sunday 7th July. The key points that emerged, after much silence, are highlighted below.
Change in spiritual atmosphere – a picture was shared in which we were all in the air above the clouds. Something invisible in front of us moved away, creating a very large gap, which was not there before. It was felt this represents a change in the spiritual atmosphere which, in turn, marks a time of opportunity for the Church in the UK. The word ‘Balance’ was given.
Pursue deeper intimacy with God in silence, stillness and worship – Ps 46.10. The psalm speaks of great turbulence and battle. This is our context in the world. We are strengthened in our union with the Lord. Mt 11.28-30 is familiar to us. However, the Lord is inviting us to a deeper understanding. Just as Sabbath is not simply rest from work, but a day of ‘reset’ under the sovereignty of God, so Jesus doesn’t simply invite us to rest from weariness: “You are being strengthened for what is ahead”. “For it is [not your strength, but it is] God who is effectively at work in you, both to will and to work [that is, strengthening, energising, and creating in you the longing and the ability to fulfil your purpose] for His good pleasure.” Php 2.13. Rom 5.1-2 was given with an impression of a deep well. We stand “in Grace”. This is a time to embrace deep intimacy with God in stillness. Our intimacy with the Lord is a oneness with His heart, which is wide open to us. Worship is key in our relationship with Him.
Learning to govern in and from the heavenly realms – Ps 122 is a psalm of ascent. It speaks of intimacy with God – v1 (the house of the Lord is the place of His presence), unity – v3, government – v5, peace and rest – v6-8. Another psalm of ascent – 131 – was given in the context of a word “Do not concern yourselves…” and a sense that the Lord is emphasising the need to keep our eyes in Him, in a posture of humility. A further word: “I am the approachable King” was given with the impression of God extending a sceptre. He is making His throne approachable – an invitation to take up His authority. The exercising of the authority of God depends upon Him, not us – Ex 4.10-12.
The call to be a watchman – the word ‘Strong Tower’ was given. Someone else shared: On Ripon Town Hall is an inscription: “Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain” (Ps 127.1b – another psalm of ascent). An ancient tradition of the ‘horn blower’ continues to this day. A horn is blown each night in the market square to ‘set the watch’ by the ‘Wakeman’ who, in ancient tradition, was responsible for crime prevention from 9pm until dawn. Jesus instructed His disciples to ‘watch and pray’. We are living in unstable times when vigilance is especially needed.
A dream from the night before our gathering was shared: a large building was the venue for a conference. Four arrogant young men, looking to cause trouble, strode into the reception area. The receptionist alerted others. The young men were dealt with. This was thought to be an example of the way in which a ‘watchman’ in position, doing their job, averted trouble.
During our gathering, a message was received from a new member who was watching on YouTube. She was stunned to hear reference to being a watchman because the Lord had recently spoken to her in a dream instructing her to ‘stand in the tower’ and ‘watch for approaching enemies’.
We ‘watch’ with all of our senses. A picture of a snail was given. Snails mainly sense through vibration. Although their sight is not good, they have an inbuilt ‘shadow reflex’ which is activated through light sensitive cells which cover their bodies.
The call to be a watchman is not just about watching for danger. The Lord is calling us to “Watch for what I am doing!” Luke 12.35-37 – we are to watch and ‘open the door’ to what God is doing where we are. The enemy wants to obscure and distract us from what God is doing. We are called to meditate on that which is good – Php 4.8. The Lord delights in things we regard as small. We should ask Him what He is delighting in. A previous prophecy given to the Nottingham Maranatha group stated that as watchmen we are to speak the Name of Jesus into all places.
Note: the Lord called us as a community to be a ‘watchman’ in 1993, following which we published the first ‘Call to the Nation’.
Prayer for the ‘Assisted Suicide Bill’ debate in the Isle of Man – Four Maranatha members realised that they would be in the Isle of Man for a holiday the week following our online gathering, during which there was to be a session in the autonomous I.o.M. Parliament on this Private Members Bill, which is at the ‘Clause stage’ of debate. It was felt that this was not coincidence. During a time of prayer a word ‘staunch the flow’ was given, as well as Matt 18.18-20 and 2 Cor 10.4-5.