
Prayer Cells

The heart of the Maranatha Community

Prayer Cells

Maranatha is a prayer: “Come, Lord Jesus” and at the heart of our community are groups of people gathered together to pray. Ideally Prayer Cells consist of people from different churches coming together to pray. Every Monday the Maranatha Office sends a list of prayer requests to the leader of each Prayer Cell, by email or by post as requested.

Form of Prayer

Prayer Cells vary considerably in size and circumstances, but all seek quietly to listen to God and build up a strong relationship of trust. Each Prayer Cell is under-girded by the Maranatha Community commitment to pray for unity, healing and renewal, at a personal, local and national level.

Forming a Prayer Cell

Firstly, pray and ask God if this is an initiative you are called to take. Pray to be led to potential prayer partners and invite them to meet with you. Pray together to seek confirmation that this is God’s will for each person. Other Prayer Cells will be happy to pray alongside you for guidance if you ask us for this.

Next Steps

This leaflet tells you more about forming and running Prayer Cells. When you become a Prayer Cell, please let the Maranatha Community office know who you all are and who will be the main contact (i.e Prayer Cell Leader). We will then send you, either by post or email, the regular prayer letter and any emergency or special prayer requests.